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Talking Grace Takes one through supernatural and physical moments. Worthy to have when sincere and true in heart. We are nothing withou...

Tuesday, 11 October 2016



The beauty of your crafts
The warmth from your paws
The gentle kiss to misguided ways
The sweet motion on a ride through miles
Sin! That serpent of old
Heaven curse your stains.

A thin line to darken the light of the weak
A growing mole with a dark cloud
A fragrance of corruption and immorality 
A cotton cane to keep men captive
Sin! That dragon of old
The earth mourns her lost glory.

The careless whispers and creepy sounds
The secret stash of perfected lies
The displayed ego and walk of pride
The mother of all wrongs 
Sin! Satan the fallen
God's folly is greater than your wisdom. 

A song of pleasure played by her lips
The warm embrace of her deceits
A lasting sting and suffering
The tender flow of un-righteousness
Sin! Lucifer thrown down powerless
The LORD gains victory.

- Calvin Timmie Hambolu

Thursday, 6 October 2016

Divine Prosperity

Divine Prosperity

Prosperity is increase in all areas, wealth, assets, lands, estates, business, sports, and lots more. Which is just an aspect of it alone. Divine prosperity covers more of the supernatural aspects concerning activating wealth first in a proper and un shaken state of mind. Rising from a spot of little works, to a high and comfortable state of achieved development requires a mind and a spirit of pursuit.

Divine Prosperity shows one how to;

• Speak the Word of God - He first pronounced blessings on us all.

• Activate the Word of God - through actions.

• Work out plans to assist your written ideas and thoughts.

• Total commitment and dedication towards your work.

• Development and steady focus.

Episode Four - The Talk

Monday, 19 September 2016


To pursue means go or chase after, something or a goal. What the heart desires more the body pursues, your thoughts and desires can only come to life, when you pursue them.

A good drive is a good pursuit and also a good spirit. Keep and open mind and believe in possibilities as you move on with your pursuit.

Get full information below;

The Talk Episode Three


We search the wrong places for what is already close to us. Often times we are blinded by ignorance, wrong choices, poor thinking, misguided thoughts, and spiritual blindness.

Just as a man needs a wife and goes out searching, forgetting that happiness and joy comes from close friendship, the laughter, the fights, the good times, love and more. It takes a while to grow a strong relationship, but a close friend knows all your faults, your weakness, your strengths, your likes and dislikes, your inner contents and more. Open your eyes and mind to these words and see what's real.

Things to Note

Open Your Eyes - Learn to observe your surroundings, your friends, your work areas, your ideas, your goals, and avoid searching in the wrong place.

Know What's In Front Of You - You have to see what's in front of you clearly and acknowledge it.

Decisions - Deciding on what you need rather than what you want, is very vital. What you need is always near and what you want is a far away desire.

Spiritual Sense - The physical is just one aspect of life, while connecting the spiritual realm opens the mind properly and more efficiently, through prayers and meditations.

Instincts - The best guide towards growing and advancing in life.

Open your eyes and mind towards greatness by seeing what's in front of you. Could be a wife, a husband, a job - you have something that you definitely good at, start it and grow big, a talent - make it work, a skill - utilise it, and many more.

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Episode Two - Open Your Mind #TheTalk

Learning is fine way to open the mind, letting in possibilities and positive thoughts. An open mind profits much, its always wanting, and explores different things. 

The Talk is a platform for young minds, develop your skills and advance in life. My thoughts towards you, are of good, God's word for you.

Episode two - Open your Mind #TheTalk

Thursday, 11 August 2016



Episode One
Introduction - shedding light on what "The talk" is all about, how weak and forgetful we are, how we can't make it on our own unless we acknowledge Christ and believe we can do it.

Seeking Christ is our first priority, after that its just grace and more grace. The youths, are the future we've all being told and yet the older ones are still who we see in control of most things and actions while the teens and youths are busy enjoying parties and things considered fun. We all have potentials, skills, talents and lots more to show forth.

Your character and attitude needs fixing, even if you are as good as you think you are, we are all work in progress and its only grace that keeps us. We need to understand the two worlds, the Celestial and terrestrial each has spirits, and the greatest of them all is The Holy Ghost. When we gear up in spirit we can conquer the physical. Ideas are all around us, when we think, speak, where we go, when we communicate, the nature around us, from spoken or known experience!

Most people just believe their start should be big magically, instead of little and grow. To be great, one must be a servant first, humble and willing in spirit. Pride and ego, ignorance and arrogance are spirits we must deal with.

To succeed you must be of sound mind, and forgiving to be free. We are they ones who limit ourselves with negative thoughts, we keep accusing others for our failures instead of pushing on with positivity, we say things like "will I be accepted, will it work, what will be the outcome and response.

Failure is not falling down or failing but refusal to get back up!


Episode One - The Start

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Lust Treat

• A man loves and cares for a lady who in turn, returns the favour with disgust and hate, loving another who has more wealth and no love for her. A clear meaning is that she leaves peace and comfort for stress and sadness.

• A man doesn't cheat on his fiancee and she leaves him, because he doesn't have side chics. What kind of mindset can such possess to the state of stupidity!

• A man now seeks his instead of her, as written. The folly of man leads him to destruction.

• Man is after success and on the road he forgets happiness.

• Having so much and yet empty inside.

• Why the rush and yet none to share with and sober all time.

• A man beats his girlfriend, and she says he loves her. When the get married the faults will tell how long it lasts.

• The rough and quick means to success and still no joy or lasting life to enjoy the means.

• Make it real and have a peace of mind, not fast means and you seeking protection everyday, no rest.

• Learn each day and pick up good lessons. Don't feel you know it all, cos you don't.

Thursday, 9 June 2016

What's Your Drive!

Having a goal is key, but what motivates you to never give up, is your drive. Many have visions but fail to carry them out, due to lack of determination. What is your drive? Search and find deep within you what makes your spirit come alive, with that you can do great things.

A few minds given the opportunity and means yet they still can't move forward with it. Take Trump for example and see how far and well he has been via the money he got from his dad. Not every family has such luxury, where your parent will give you a million dollars to start something. That aside, giving the opportunity, many will still waste and squander such funds with desires instead of passion. He used a million dollars to become a billionaire and he still drives on, till more can be made.

Having a driving spirit, is having a focused and well trained mindset that has fed on wise words and undergone pure meditation. Having a mentor is a special drive also, preparing one for the future. Learning is a continuous process and words that makes impact should be studied.

To the greatest book ever, where minds and spirits can be lifted I call it "My Meal" you know it as "The Bible". A careful and thorough study through the holy scriptures, will enlighten any mind far gone and give an understanding far from the ordinary mind. If you desire knowledge, you will work for it through patience and humility. 

David is a better example of one with a great drive, wisdom far beyond any know, humility and sincerity ready to serve and willing to learn. He surrendered to grace and passed through a mentor no man could be or think to be. The essence of these words will assist that one person who needs it.

Be of sound mind and of good thought. Have a goal, a vision, a passion, pursue that talent and the latter will be better and greater.

Monday, 6 June 2016

Few Notes About Love

Don’t CONTINUE in a relationship where there is no PEACE.

Don’t love blindly; let the love of God direct you and you will live a good life.

Finding true lifelong love requires prayers and diligence to the Lord.

Why search for a soul mate? When the Lord said He will make one for you.

Gaining a real wife is only in God’s presence.

he best way to love is Sacrifice; let go of feelings and affections.

What is true love and can the heart know which is right and which is not? Yes

True love cares even when it seems like there is no hope at all.

Through pain, through experience either yours or another person’s we can learn and grow from there.

We face so many test in life to see how well we can handle every matter that comes our way.

The future is he next second in life and we learn every passing time till we fulfill all.

We find ourselves in relationships for more than 5years and discover it was not meant to be because God never blessed it.

It is better to stand with God because He alone gives and provides a lasting home.

True love is never dead or sour.

In keeping true love, be the last voice she listens to before she sleep at night and the first voice in the morning.

Say words that are calm and beautiful from the heart, just like you are flirting with her over again.


Words to Note

The labour of the foolish is vain.
Wrong strategy leads to failure.
The circumstance surrounding your work, should not pollute your attitude towards the work.
Work is the right way out of shame.
Decide to have a great vision.
Handle your work and activities with excellence.
Hold on to that great vision.
Don’t let what you go through, go through you.
The future you see, is the future, you will get.
A vision less life is a future less life.
Have a big dream and vision.
Anything you don’t take serious, cannot add value to your life.
Be zealous but don’t let zeal confuse you.
Be a man of words and actions
Surround yourself with creative minds.
Always follow your instincts. 
Communication is key to a successful business.
Stay positive and allow positive thoughts
A sincere heart always keeps a firm and moving goal steady.
Think right and work right.

Monday, 30 May 2016

Mistakes Made Can Catapult The Future

We fall, and not rising is the definition of a total failure ever. A mistake is never a mistake when you study the facts and see the future for better moves and corrections. Going very far in life, passing through so many things, a driving passion for a true goal, climbing ladders, through rough edges, falling and rising up, don't ever give up! It's just a little further.

Marriages fail because they lack the ability to grow pass the situation and matters causing conflicts and disagreements in a home. Two need to put their heads together and talk about growth, you help me, teach me, show me, tell me my wrongs and direct me all times, As I do the same. Most couples hardly talk, both off to work very early and then late night meals, and nature calls, same routine goes on. The romance and feelings get lost in the lonely and quiet home that soon turns into a house, and then a structure.

The sound of ignorance, the arrogant mind, refusing to understand and accept the obvious truth lying around the corner. A very big mistake it is, when a man thinks he knows it all. You refused to accept support from anyone, even those willing to help, without stress, and you are still pushing hard with no break through. If the person God sent to you is among them, you just rejected your helper. Truth is, don't chase out everyone because of the mistakes once made in the past, a few are always true and real till the end.

Stay and live as one willing to learn, reading to gain, ready to accept, seeing to understand and knowing that through dedication and humility, you can cross that very line that you always fell from, pass over stagnation that caused depression. Faith in God is a general key to keep you strong in other to carry out any work line, also you have to study the Word of God daily. Many great men and women today are wealthy, not because the can or could, but because they refused to let their mistakes a mistake.

We all make and made mistakes, but when you analyse the situation carefully, you picture a you more trained and equipped for the future. I encourage you all to put God first, and stay sincere, also avoid lies ( Don't play smart, thinking you are fooling others alone! The greatest fool is yourself). Learn from your mistakes and move on, learn from others (experience) and do better. Believe you can do what God says you can and your driving force will be great.

Thursday, 26 May 2016


Talking Grace

Takes one through supernatural and physical moments. Worthy to have when sincere and true in heart. We are nothing without Grace. God is the Author and Finisher of our faith, He alone can give Grace that shines on us as Glory is. Through Grace the heart and mind can function right. Putting together many things, thoughts, ideas, and creative works through the divine Grace of God, leads to great success and uplifting in this race.

Being a fool is worth it only if you are a fool for the True love of God, only through Grace can this be possible. When all hope is lost and nothing seems right or connecting, just with a pure heart, pray and talk to the Heavenly Father, to ease your heart and send His Grace to work for your every endeavour.

Many may laugh, mock you, fight you, insult you, call you names but can't kill your spirit because through proper dedication and commitment your life is kept in God's hands. Grace will keep you, sustain you and lift you out of every circumstance, problems or situations.

I am a product of God's Grace, my past life can be described; through hurts, through shame, through fights, through poverty, through neglect, through insults, through sorrows, through sins, through stagnation, so much occurred and yet I survived it all and I was saved. He says am Different, and without doubt I am. All those years I was blinded by sadness and many mind disturbing thoughts. He cleansed me and now I feel great, no more silly regrets, sorrows or things of the past, all because of Grace.

Life is a teacher and experience is a concerned friend to all that needs it. Many call it Luck, "Oh how lucky I was!" I call it Grace. Different thoughts and opinions, beliefs and norms but the heart knows what's right. Many might disagree with these words cause of their own view towards Grace. It's right to think about it and have a shared point. A careful look at it and through proper study of the Word of God, you get to understand and realise the wonderful work of Grace.

Friday, 13 May 2016


• Pursue true love.

• Sex is not love.

• No one understands love better than God.

• God is love and the definition of love itself.

• God wants us to mature in love i.e True love.

"True love has nothing to do with mere feelings, it is permitted with actions."


• It has it's foundation on God.

• True love is self initiating, takes action without being asked, without consent. 

• It looks for ways to offer service without being asked.

• True love is courtesy filled.

• True love takes responsibility. (Work smart and provide for your partner. 

• True love passes through the door. (Joke :: not through the window)

• True love rejects sex before marriage. It reserves sex for marriage.

• True love cares more for others.

• True love bears up under any circumstance or variety or characteristic or state of being.

• True can handle pressure.

• True love believes and looks for the best in the other person.

• True love trust God always.

• True love is not selfish. (Sacrifice for the one you love)

Question» » When next you hear or say the word, "I love You". Find out what it means.

• True love does not seek perfection.

• True love is not intimidated by wealth or state of financial acquisition.

Ladies "Can you marry a guy and make him a man? From nothing to something."
Men "Can you marry an independent lady and not reduce her worth but increase her?"

• True love keeps moving to the end.

• True love over looks Offence.

• True love is not Touchy.

• True love is not Proud.

• True love is not Arrogant.

• True love is not Rude.

• True love never Dies.

• True love never Judges.

• True love is kind.

• True love carries strong affections.

• True love is real and felt at every point and stage in life.

• True love is only given by God.

• True love is Gods gift to all.

• True love never suffers the other.

• True love sees beneath your beauty/handsome.

• True love brings comforts.

• True love is beautiful.

• True love is Peaceful.

• True love is Loving.

• True love is Pure.

• True love is like a Sacred heart.

Saturday, 7 May 2016

TRY (Just a little more)

In this life there are only a few moments which can lead to a break through. You have worked so hard, added much effort, and yet it seems like nothing is working. don't give up! still try.
"When you have done your best and all you can, and there is nothing else you can do! try again one more time".
You never know if that little effort you are suppose to give in becomes your turning point. When you give up! you make it easy and someone else will take the credit, where they didn't labour much for.

Here's a story of a miner, a man with determination, but little faith and no diligence to carry on with.
Matthew Smith, was a gold seeker, exploring different landscapes in search of pure gold. He made good research findings on various promising lands and he found a few he could work on. He was confident and loved his work but he was not really committed to it. He felt his own way was most efficient and would profit him. He got the spot and started digging, deeper and deeper every day. The more he dug, the more he felt sad and his mind was filled with doubts. some friends told him plainly to give up and focus on other things, some laughed at him, some called him a disappointment. All these words got to him, he dug to a very great depth and almost struck it the last time but instead he gave up. he went home and decided not to try anything else for the mean time.

Another local gold seeker by name Robert Taye, had faith in God, and through diligence believed he could try no matter the cheap talks or challenges faced with. even if there was a little chance of succeeding. He also made good findings on lands where he could dig up gold. he came across the beautiful work Smith had left and abandoned, so he climbed down seeing so much effort that the previous digger had done left. He brought out his tool and committed the work to God, and hope to work with giving up. as he struck the ground once, he found so much gold that changed his life and status in the state.

When Smith was reading the daily papers, he came across the page about a local gold miner that struck gold with much effort. He saw the picture and it was the exact spot he dug. He fell to his knees and cried out, "if only i tried a little bit". What a missed opportunity if only he had tried a little more.
The essence of trying is to take off doubts from your mind, cheap talks around you. You are a special being with so much to achieve if only you can try. There are so  many creative ideas out there, many line of works, don't feel down and say you can't make it! just try.

"The first step to greatness is kicking off doubts and believing in yourself"
It is a thing of joy to work with fun and work with certain individuals that motivates you and are always eager to do more with laxity. be very careful not to associate yourself with talk-actives, liars, or people whose only aim is to gain from you and not help or add to you. Be sincere in your line of work and discover how well your business will grow more than others doing the same craft or line of business.
Through good dedication and total commitment to your vision and goal, you can be a boss and an achiever if you try well and work smart instead of hard work all the time.

• Try to be smart in all you do.

• Try to do more with good efforts.

• Try to be sincere.

• Try to be  creative.

• Try to be friendly and accommodating.

Try and add God to your every day with great commitment and experience great blessings.

Try a little more.

"When you try; you discover that your start was tough or rough, but your latter became beautiful and great."

"You can only reach your goals if you don't give up!"

Friday, 6 May 2016


A very tricky palace, or place where ideas and thoughts flow, where silent words are heard and been feed to the brain, reaching the inner man. It is a really busy office where different options and opinions are aired. Eating of the words that creates a lasting peace for the mindset makes a happy Mind.


• Things that are unseen are real as things that are seen.

• Create a special reasoning in your mind. Also good reasoning helps one to grow in life.

• Food for the mind is the Word of God, which is well cooked with the Holy Spirit, a very rare recipe.

• Equip the mind with opportunities, ideas that are creative.

• Aimless living is wasted living.

• Don't take things too easy or lightly else you miss out on good benefits.

• Reckless living leads to useless living.

• Being spiritually minded means to mind the spirit with your mind.

• Use your mind for life's calculations.

• By mental engagement, you can determine future gains.

• Creative imagination is a transaction for the currency of the future.

• You need your mind to navigate to the future.

• Use your mind to think like a great person before you can attain great and greater heights.

• Equip your mind always for tasks ahead.

• Teach your mind a good taste of style.

1• If you want to marry a Gentleman, dress like a Lady. And vice versa.

2• If you want to marry a King, dress like a Queen. (word for the wise)

• Learn to think on your feet and be smart.

• Put your mind to your work.

• Working smart is much better than working hard.

• Let your mind be focused on your work.

• The mind is always hungry, feed it with great words and great thoughts.

• The mind needs wisdom and not folly.

• Never think your mistake was a mistake, else you will be tied to a spot.

• Know the difference between Usefulness and beauty.

• Your mind is your mental power house.

"If you can see it or think it! Then equip your mind to do it!" 

Wednesday, 4 May 2016


Marriage is a union of a man as [husband] and a woman as [wife] to form a family. But there are certain factors that can hinder love, care, and happiness in a home. A careful look at these factors and how to avoid and stop such acts. Talking on a few factors that will enlighten couples and lovers in a relationship to wise up and stop these characters, behaviours and actions before it's too late.


1• LIES - This is the most common of all factors, which comes in little or big packs. Lies blocks the truth and opens more door ways for more lies to flow in. To tell a lie is like doing drugs, where you take a little sip or sniff, ah it feels good right! Then you want and crave for more and more, till you can't control it anymore. You become a junkie of lie. When couples lie to each other, they grow further apart spiritually and physically.

They may feel well, it's just a little lie, won't do any harm. But unknown to them that a very big line has been drawn in between them which if not treated will be the cause of their divorce or separation in a case of courtship or relationship. 75-80% of couples or lovers lie to each other, having a silly excuse to do what your spouse doesn't like. Why most couples lie, is due to the lack of understanding and trust.

" A relationship where lie is the main course! Most definitely, they are living a lie."


• Always tell the truth, even if its hard to.
• Learn to earn ones trust by building together every aspect of your marriage. 
• Have a talk often as you can with your spouse, communication is key.
• Understanding should be a key for a couple, through careful observations and tolerance.
• Both couples should work on their likes and dislikes to avoid lies about how the really feel about it.

2• BAD HABITS - This factor is also a major cause of several family break ups. Bad habits; exhibiting certain characters that are harmful to your relationship. A few of these are Clubbing, Drinking excess, Womanising and others. Clubbing is a part of most youths and men presently. Hanging out with friends and meeting new people, getting introduced to new things and acts that will lead to spoiling the beautiful and peaceful home you have. If a spouse really loves and care for the other, one would stop the habit or if willing once a while, go there together so both can control their actions. Excessive drinking leads to assault, insults and total misbehaviour. 

If a family man gets drunk, he is a bad example to his children also any woman who drinks too much. Most at times they may abuse their kids(incest). Not knowing of the damage they have caused, this can lead to a psychological breakdown and problems in the affected child's life. Also the drunk dad might beat his wife and hurt her in severe ways, leading to jail and a total broken home. Men mostly should stop drinking and concentrate on spending more time with their family, stop that bottle of beer now and avoid been an abusive father. Choose your friends, avoid negative attitudes and influence.

A womaniser is known for his lust desires in ladies, also as a mini playboy. Where married men cheat on their wives with other younger females outside and feel it's a normal thing mostly because they got introduced to it or their friends do the same. 

"The fall of a great man is due to his selfish and greedy findings in lust for wrongful desires."

The essence of marriage is to marry someone you love, someone beautiful in your eyes. Whatever you see outside that attracts you, why not get it for your wife see if you won't adore her the more. 
"A womaniser is a prey to adultery and sin. Stop it!" 
Women and ladies should be principled and respect their men, do what is right and he will treat you like a queen. Don't pay attention to what your silly friends do in form of fun. Your fun should be with your husband and home.

To be continued...

Sunday, 1 May 2016


Man, the path he thinks is ok, actually leads to failure and shame. Man, a beautiful creature, made in the image and likeness of God. Man came and had everything he ever needed including the free will to decide and to ask of the Father. Man fell through sin, and instead of seeking forgiveness from God, man complains about the gift of companionship that fell to the paws of the creeping snake. Man lost the greatest and strongest anointing of all, which was "Glory" that covered the entire definition of well being. Man became a hustler, working hard jobs before he could eat or feed his family. Man suffered a great deal. Man had sons, and through one of his sons death came in. Man brought death into the world by greed, complains, jealousy and hate. Man through sin brought many afflictions, sufferings, tears, sorrows and pains to this world.

Man decided to worship whatever pleases his heart. Man became a servant to sin, and influenced by one who came to steal, kill and destroy, these are they only plans the devil can ever create or picture in his time of reign. Man suffered a great deal from God's wrath but was saved through the holy Lamb Jesus, who came and became poor that man might be rich and took flesh stained by sin but never sinned, He washed it with His blood and became the doorway for man to be able to communicate with the Father again. Man still hardened his heart towards the Saviour of the world by persecuting and turning deaf to the Words which brings life and eternal happiness.

Man foolishly lives, forgetting that the world is filled with physical and spiritual realms. Man yet a fool in his continued actions and a sinner but still loved by His Creator. Man! When will you grow out of your little shell and see all that you can be. Man, lust in desires, always craving for more and not thanking for what he has. Man! O Man! How down and low spirited you can be with little faith. Man always falling prey to temptation, when will you ever win and say no to the claws of sin? Man so intelligent but filled with ego, and pride. Man, how long will you go after sweet desires instead of balancing yourself. Man, take a look at yourself and correct your ways. Man, could be great if he can humble himself and ask for forgiveness and mercy by saying with an open heart "I am sorry Lord, I accept you as Lord and Saviour of my life!" And turning away from the things of the world he was fond of. Man, how folly his acts are before the Most High God, but still loved and cared for until repentance.

to be Continued...

Friday, 29 April 2016


She's your better-half, your only source of joy to a happy and successful home. She's a virtuous  woman when you accept her, respect her, love her, be a friend, a husband, a play mate, a support and a talk mate.

Single life was fun, lonely, silly and playful, but she was and is the one whom your heart settled for. Why not be the voice she hears after a stressful day's work, telling her to rest while you fetch her a cold drink for her to take and ask how her day was. Be the voice she hears when she's up in the morning, saying " honey comb, your eyes really got me smiling, your so beautiful just the way you are". Be the voice she hears at night, saying "sleep well love, am right beside you, always will be, also to give you warmth and lovely cuddles.

Be the one she can laugh and cry with not someone who will take advantage of her weakness. Always appreciate her efforts, when she's tired assist her, make her relax "treat her like a Queen". Always have a "Us Day", a day for just the both of you, alone together stress free, doing and having the best, creative and wonderful time. You could be her chef, her waiter, her stylist, her fashion designer, her silly doctor, and a lot more using what can make her happy. Just make sure she knows that you care about the things she likes too.

Sends her gifts and messages, of how you miss her, love and adore her as a precious blessing to your home. So many medium to do so with all these vast technology in the world today. Flirt with her yeah! Never stop doing so, this is very important because you make her feel young and attractive again. Bringing those flames as of when you just met her with all eagerness to make her happy and want you the more.

No matter how busy you are, always find and create time to check on her. Meet her and make her feel like a woman, shower her with all that will brighten her day. And trust when I say, she will never ever cheat or believe a word her friends tell her to make her weak and lust for outward desires and attractions. 

Build your home with love, care, affections and happiness, let it be know that a family walking in the footsteps of God, will always prosper and always have joy and all they could ever imagine.

"Wives and ladies also do the same treatment!"

Thursday, 28 April 2016



In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1

Life has so much to give, through friendship, relationships and marriages. Life could be smooth, rough, sweet, sour, cold or mixed up in feelings words can't really explain.

Model Prayer before anything else;
Our Father in heaven, hallowed br your name.
Your kingdom come, Your will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And do not lead us into temptation,
But deliver us from the evil one.
For yours is the kingdom and the power
And Glory, forever Amen. (Matthew 6v9-13)

The Counsellor starts today as a friend, a listener, a guide, and a stand against doubts to help save marriages, homes, relationships, train youths, and strengthen connections between two or more groups.
"The Mind is a tricky palace, be careful what you feed it"
The goal of every union or relationship is to live with Joy and happiness. But without understanding it fails due to both sides having "trust issues", doubts and every creeping thoughts or words by persons around them.
One should learn to make friends with these categories; a wise person, a funny person and a lovely person. Reason been that, when you need support and advice you know who to run to and often times get the best advice from one least expected. Creating a better feeling after a good conversation.

I'll be addressing some issues, topics, cause of problems, how to keep a relationship, how to reduce jealousy, seeing beneath one's beauty and more.

The counsellor contains words that can work wonders in your everyday life. The world today is filled with sin, lies, theft, deceits, pains, heart breaks and much more. We find ourselves surrounded by these factors most times when we fail to read the signs. You might ask what are these signs and how do I get to know them. Those little moments we fail to notice or even pay careful attention to, shows the signs, every relationship should have trust but these generation prefer lust and fun instead. Just like the saying "living young wild and free".

"It is a stupid idea to waste valuable time needed for important activities and life changing actions"

You get to reminisce sometimes about the silly things you did, how you wish time could go back for you to change and correct your mistakes. But these mistakes are to teach you and make you a better person.

"It is never too late! To learn and stop doing what you know ain't right".

Talk is really cheap, don't feel bad or bothered when people talk about you. When they do so, it simply means you are ahead of them, you are important and you are someone worth talking about.
"Every divorce, is as a result of un forgiveness! Talk is cheap and only hearers alone part take in such"
Over 75% of first marriages last, Over 85% of second marriages fail.

Take a careful look at yourself and calm all the rushing moments in your life. Never be in a hurry to act, always listen and decide within you before carrying out actions. It is better to leave a faulty relationship that refuses care and love before marriage, than to spend the rest of your life in regrets and sorrow. Remember money is not everything, you should not let it control you. Learn from others, their past experience, read about real happenings and grow better than the former you.

I hope you pick something from this piece, and with understanding seek more. You can stop that motion before it gets worse.
I am open for talks, anytime, just drop your comments or if you have something to address, a story to share or past experience. Please send an email to us @.. counselme21@gmail.com