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Talking Grace Takes one through supernatural and physical moments. Worthy to have when sincere and true in heart. We are nothing withou...

Tuesday, 11 October 2016



The beauty of your crafts
The warmth from your paws
The gentle kiss to misguided ways
The sweet motion on a ride through miles
Sin! That serpent of old
Heaven curse your stains.

A thin line to darken the light of the weak
A growing mole with a dark cloud
A fragrance of corruption and immorality 
A cotton cane to keep men captive
Sin! That dragon of old
The earth mourns her lost glory.

The careless whispers and creepy sounds
The secret stash of perfected lies
The displayed ego and walk of pride
The mother of all wrongs 
Sin! Satan the fallen
God's folly is greater than your wisdom. 

A song of pleasure played by her lips
The warm embrace of her deceits
A lasting sting and suffering
The tender flow of un-righteousness
Sin! Lucifer thrown down powerless
The LORD gains victory.

- Calvin Timmie Hambolu

Thursday, 6 October 2016

Divine Prosperity

Divine Prosperity

Prosperity is increase in all areas, wealth, assets, lands, estates, business, sports, and lots more. Which is just an aspect of it alone. Divine prosperity covers more of the supernatural aspects concerning activating wealth first in a proper and un shaken state of mind. Rising from a spot of little works, to a high and comfortable state of achieved development requires a mind and a spirit of pursuit.

Divine Prosperity shows one how to;

• Speak the Word of God - He first pronounced blessings on us all.

• Activate the Word of God - through actions.

• Work out plans to assist your written ideas and thoughts.

• Total commitment and dedication towards your work.

• Development and steady focus.

Episode Four - The Talk