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Talking Grace Takes one through supernatural and physical moments. Worthy to have when sincere and true in heart. We are nothing withou...

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Lust Treat

• A man loves and cares for a lady who in turn, returns the favour with disgust and hate, loving another who has more wealth and no love for her. A clear meaning is that she leaves peace and comfort for stress and sadness.

• A man doesn't cheat on his fiancee and she leaves him, because he doesn't have side chics. What kind of mindset can such possess to the state of stupidity!

• A man now seeks his instead of her, as written. The folly of man leads him to destruction.

• Man is after success and on the road he forgets happiness.

• Having so much and yet empty inside.

• Why the rush and yet none to share with and sober all time.

• A man beats his girlfriend, and she says he loves her. When the get married the faults will tell how long it lasts.

• The rough and quick means to success and still no joy or lasting life to enjoy the means.

• Make it real and have a peace of mind, not fast means and you seeking protection everyday, no rest.

• Learn each day and pick up good lessons. Don't feel you know it all, cos you don't.

Thursday, 9 June 2016

What's Your Drive!

Having a goal is key, but what motivates you to never give up, is your drive. Many have visions but fail to carry them out, due to lack of determination. What is your drive? Search and find deep within you what makes your spirit come alive, with that you can do great things.

A few minds given the opportunity and means yet they still can't move forward with it. Take Trump for example and see how far and well he has been via the money he got from his dad. Not every family has such luxury, where your parent will give you a million dollars to start something. That aside, giving the opportunity, many will still waste and squander such funds with desires instead of passion. He used a million dollars to become a billionaire and he still drives on, till more can be made.

Having a driving spirit, is having a focused and well trained mindset that has fed on wise words and undergone pure meditation. Having a mentor is a special drive also, preparing one for the future. Learning is a continuous process and words that makes impact should be studied.

To the greatest book ever, where minds and spirits can be lifted I call it "My Meal" you know it as "The Bible". A careful and thorough study through the holy scriptures, will enlighten any mind far gone and give an understanding far from the ordinary mind. If you desire knowledge, you will work for it through patience and humility. 

David is a better example of one with a great drive, wisdom far beyond any know, humility and sincerity ready to serve and willing to learn. He surrendered to grace and passed through a mentor no man could be or think to be. The essence of these words will assist that one person who needs it.

Be of sound mind and of good thought. Have a goal, a vision, a passion, pursue that talent and the latter will be better and greater.

Monday, 6 June 2016

Few Notes About Love

Don’t CONTINUE in a relationship where there is no PEACE.

Don’t love blindly; let the love of God direct you and you will live a good life.

Finding true lifelong love requires prayers and diligence to the Lord.

Why search for a soul mate? When the Lord said He will make one for you.

Gaining a real wife is only in God’s presence.

he best way to love is Sacrifice; let go of feelings and affections.

What is true love and can the heart know which is right and which is not? Yes

True love cares even when it seems like there is no hope at all.

Through pain, through experience either yours or another person’s we can learn and grow from there.

We face so many test in life to see how well we can handle every matter that comes our way.

The future is he next second in life and we learn every passing time till we fulfill all.

We find ourselves in relationships for more than 5years and discover it was not meant to be because God never blessed it.

It is better to stand with God because He alone gives and provides a lasting home.

True love is never dead or sour.

In keeping true love, be the last voice she listens to before she sleep at night and the first voice in the morning.

Say words that are calm and beautiful from the heart, just like you are flirting with her over again.


Words to Note

The labour of the foolish is vain.
Wrong strategy leads to failure.
The circumstance surrounding your work, should not pollute your attitude towards the work.
Work is the right way out of shame.
Decide to have a great vision.
Handle your work and activities with excellence.
Hold on to that great vision.
Don’t let what you go through, go through you.
The future you see, is the future, you will get.
A vision less life is a future less life.
Have a big dream and vision.
Anything you don’t take serious, cannot add value to your life.
Be zealous but don’t let zeal confuse you.
Be a man of words and actions
Surround yourself with creative minds.
Always follow your instincts. 
Communication is key to a successful business.
Stay positive and allow positive thoughts
A sincere heart always keeps a firm and moving goal steady.
Think right and work right.